在 FreeBSD 中安装 ZFS

OpenZFS 已经预先打包为: (貌似在 FreeBSD中已经自带?)

  • zfs-2.0-release 分支,在 FreeBSD 13.0 至今的FreeBSD 基础系统中

  • master 分支,在 FreeBSD 端口树中作为 sysutils/openzfs 和 sysutils/openzfs-kmod 在 FreeBSD 12.1 之前

本文档的下面的部分描述了从 ports/pkg 或从源代码手动构建以用于开发的 OpenZFS 的使用。


The ZFS utilities will be installed in /usr/local/sbin/, so make sure your PATH gets adjusted accordingly.

To load the module at boot, put openzfs_load="YES" in /boot/loader.conf, and remove zfs_load="YES" if migrating a ZFS install.

Beware that the FreeBSD boot loader does not allow booting from root pools with encryption active (even if it is not in use), so do not try encryption on a pool you boot from.

Development on FreeBSD

The following dependencies are required to build OpenZFS on FreeBSD:

  • FreeBSD sources in /usr/src or elsewhere specified by SYSDIR in env. If you don’t have the sources installed you can install them with svnlite.

    Install source For FreeBSD 12:

    svnlite checkout /usr/src

    Install source for FreeBSD Current:

    svnlite checkout /usr/src
  • Packages for build:

    pkg install \
        autoconf \
        automake \
        autotools \
        git \
        gmake \
  • Optional packages for build:

    pkg install python37 # or your preferred Python version
    pkg install py37-sysctl # needed for arcstat, arc_summary, dbufstat
  • Packages for checks and tests:

    pkg install \
        base64 \
        bash \
        checkbashisms \
        fio \
        hs-ShellCheck \
        ksh93 \
        pamtester \
        py37-flake8 \
        python37 \

    Your preferred python version may be substituted. The user for running tests must have NOPASSWD sudo permission.

To build and install:

# as user
git clone
cd zfs
gmake -j`sysctl -n hw.ncpu`
# as root
gmake install

To use the OpenZFS kernel module when FreeBSD starts, edit /boot/loader.conf :

Replace the line:




The stock FreeBSD ZFS binaries are installed in /sbin. OpenZFS binaries are installed to /usr/local/sbin when installed form ports/pkg or manually from the source. To use OpenZFS binaries, adjust your path so /usr/local/sbin is listed before /sbin. Otherwise the native ZFS binaries will be used.

For example, make changes to ~/.profile ~/.bashrc ~/.cshrc from this:


To this:


For rapid development it can be convenient to do a UFS install instead of ZFS when setting up the work environment. That way the module can be unloaded and loaded without rebooting.


Though not required, WITHOUT_ZFS is a useful build option in FreeBSD to avoid building and installing the legacy zfs tools and kmod - see src.conf(5).
